Monday, June 29, 2009

Venue Info

It's probably time to post some useful info about the wedding on here, yes?
Let's start with DATE and VENUE.

We're getting married on March 26, 2010 at Sebastiani Vineyards in Sonoma, CA.
Venue link

We'll post some photos of the location soon - their website doesn't really do it justice. This is our ceremony and reception site.

Sonoma is about an hour north of San Francisco. Fly into SF or Oakland. We don't have hotel blocks lined up yet, but we're working on it. I'll post more when it's been settled. The nice thing about Sebastiani is that it is just a few blocks off the main Sonoma square. You can stay pretty much anywhere in town and be able to easily get to the wedding venue.

Thursday, March 25
4:00 - Ceremony rehearsal for wedding party and immediate family

Friday, March 26
5:00 - guests begin arriving at Sebastiani
5:30 - Wedding ceremony
6:00 - Cocktails
7:00 - Reception - dinner and dancing

Saturday, March 27
No scheduled events, but if you're able to hang around in Sonoma, there's plenty to see and do.